Monday, November 15, 2010


The rain finally stopped, but we're left coping with gale-force winds...  I didn't sleep well because everything was clanking around so much, but lo and behold, it's sunny, so I set off for the museum.

On my way, I pass by El Monumento de los Españoles, a very large statue given to the city by Spain.

And then I arrive at the museum. The place is technically called the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, but since that name is so super long, it's referred to as the MALBA.  The museum has a small but nice permanent collection, but I think the real draw is that it's new, the building is cool and modern, and the cafe is kind of posh.

And then I cruise through the Buenos Aires Japanese Gardens.  The weather is clearly taking a turn for the worse.  I am underwhelmed by the gardens in general, but I'm quite impressed with the size of the fish.  They sell food pellets that tourists can toss in, so there are these intermittent areas of water roiling with the giant fish.

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